Work from home properly.

The platform desk was designed with the intent of improving the working-from-home experience. It features a multi-tiered work surfaces that aid in separating the working and leisure spaces allowing the user to place their personal projects/items on the top tier and remove them from the work area when endeavouring to do official work. The enclosed space creates a micro-environment in the circumstances that the user does not have a dedicated space in which to work.

Create a defined space for official work with limited distractions.

This statement desk utilises its enclosed walls to create a dedicated space for work to be done. Studies show that working from home can blur the lines between work and leisure. This can lead to distractions from one’s work and an inability to switch off the stress when time to relax. By segmenting the work-from-home environment the user’s brain creates distinct environments in confined spaces.

A larger workspace in a smaller environment.

The multi-tiered design allows for sepeate tasks to be completed on each tier and requires the user organises their lower tier in order to move the upper down.

The top tier features a cut out to accomodate computer monitors when it is moved up and down.

Model Making

CAD Modeling



Stepping into Sustainability


The Nike Hairdryer